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Accounting Updates

FRS 100 (Application of Financial Reporting Requirements) plays a foundational role in defining how businesses in the UK and the Republic of Ireland choose the appropriate financial reporting standards for preparing their financial statements. Introduced by the Financial Reporting Council (FRC), FRS 100 is a key part of the UK’s post-2015 financial reporting framework and works alongside FRS 101, FRS 102, and FRS 105.

This article explains what FRS 100 is, its scope, and how companies determine which financial reporting standard applies to them under this framework.

What is FRS 10

FRS 102, the Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland, is the framework under which many medium-sized and large companies prepare their financial statements. It offers a simplified yet comprehensive alternative to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and applies to entities that are not eligible for simpler reporting standards, like FRS 105 for micro-entities.


Financial Reporting Standards (FRS) play a crucial role in shaping the accounting and financial reporting landscape for businesses in the UK. As regulatory bodies continue to evolve and modernize these standards, it’s essential for businesses to stay informed of the latest updates and ensure compliance. In this article, we’ll explore the recent changes to FRS and their implications for businesses in the 2024/25 tax year.

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